
Student Corner

Greek Mythology

Written by: Aayaan Rai - 31006, Grade VI

Posted on: 03 June, 2024

It was fun getting to know about Greek mythology. After some internet research, I found that Greek myths are among the best-known stories in the world, filled with gods, goddesses, titans, monsters, and giants. The gods in Greek mythology were very real to the Greek people. They believed that the world was created by Uranus and Gaia, who had many children including giants, monsters, and titans—the first rulers of Earth. The Olympian gods, ruled by Zeus, resided in palaces on Mount Olympus.

Those who performed good deeds lived in heaven, while those who committed crimes resided in the underworld, a kingdom of monsters and demons ruled by Hades. The Greeks believed that Cerberus, a three-headed dog, guarded the gates of the underworld.

One of the most famous stories in Greek mythology is about Hercules and his Twelve Labors. Hercules, who became mad and killed his family. He was given twelve very difficult tasks as punishment:

  1. The Nemean Lion: Hercules killed a lion with tough skin by strangling it.
  2. The Hydra: He defeated a dragon with many heads by burning the wounds after cutting them off.
  3. The Ceryneian Hind: He caught a deer with golden horns that belonged to Artemis.
  4. The Erymanthian Boar: He trapped a fierce boar in a pile of snow.
  5. The Augean Stables: Hercules cleaned incredibly dirty stables by diverting a river.
  6. The Stymphalian Birds: He scared away and shot down dangerous birds.
  7. The Bull of King Minos: He tamed a wild bull owned by the king of Crete.
  8. The Man-Eating Mares: He calmed down horses that ate people by feeding them their owner.
  9. The Belt of Hippolyta: He stole the valuable belt of the queen of the Amazon women.
  10. The Cattle of Geryon: He took cattle from a giant herdsman named Geryon.
  11. The Golden Apples of Hesperides: He stole golden apples from the daughters of Atlas.
  12. The Visit to the Underworld: For his final task, Hercules captured Cerberus, a three-headed dog guarding the underworld. After completing this task, he was forgiven for his crimes.