
Student Corner

Importance of Money

Written by: Bibechana Dangol - 30009, Grade VII

Posted on: 31 May, 2024

             Money is a tool which we use to buy things and stuff like clothes, foods, toys, etc. It comes in paper or coins. We can exchange goods with others with money.  Money is very important for our life. We can do a lot of things in our life with money. It helps in fulfilling our basic needs such as foods, shelters and clothing. We cannot afford these things without sufficient money. Money also provides us better education, healthcare and living conditions. It helps us to improve our living standards. It makes our life easy and comfortable. We can start a new business with money. It provides many opportunities in our life and plans for our future. If we have sufficient money, we don’t have to depend on others to fulfill our needs. We can do work as per our choices. It helps us to achieve our aim. Person with enough money has better social status and prestige in society. We can support local businesses, help the needy people, and donate to different organizations for social welfare works. However, earning money is not easy. We have to work very hard to earn money. So, we should not spend money on unnecessary things. We have to use money properly. We have to save money so that we can spend it when needed. We spend money for a better life.