
Student Corner


Written by: Sandhir KC - 30071, Grade VII

Posted on: 29 May, 2024

 When toxic substances enter the environment, they pollute it, making it dirty and deadly. There are three basic categories: air pollution, water pollution, and land contamination.

Air pollution: Toxins from factories, cars, and smoke can irritate the respiratory system, causing disease.

Pollution of Water: Chemicals and rubbish in lakes, rivers, and seas can kill fish and other species while also making the water unsafe to drink.

Pollution on Land: Chemicals and rubbish left on the ground can injure animals and make soil unusable for plant growth.

Pollution has serious consequences: it can kill animals, make humans sick, and even destroy our world. However, we can make a change by:

Conserving water and using clean materials, clean energy, waste reduction, material recycling, and reuse assist the environment in being pollution free.

Together, we can reduce pollution and save the earth for coming generations.