
Student Corner


Written by: Savya Kafle - 29077, Grade VIII

Posted on: 28 May, 2024

To care for a friend is what I like to do,

Make them feel happy and laugh,

Go to the park and play game,

Or maybe go to the mall.


And having an ice cream in the summer, 

And having fun,

Group up and cry about life’s heartaches,

Get over in work together.


We work together and complete our work or homework, 

And have fun while doing those,

And I will be with my friend wherever they go,

And my friends are the best.


Friends are the ones who give you the best advice, 

Friends are the ones who tell you the secrets,

Friends are the ones you can tell your secret to,  

Without any fear.


When I am in sad mood,

My friends are the ones who make me happy.

I am glad to have friends,

That your kind of friendship, 

Is priceless to me.