
Student Corner

High School: A New Experience

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade IX

Posted on: 13 May, 2024

Won’t you feel a bit intrigued, excited, a bit anticipated, and nervous while taking your first steps in high school? There are 3 stages of education level in school. Elementary School, Middle School, and High School. Elementary school is probably the stage when we are energetic kids doing whatever we want. Middle school is more like learning new things while also being resilient and versatile. But high school on the other hand is when we feel like we don’t have any freedom and feel like we’re forced or bound to do something to make our career. But is high school actually like that?


Most of high school starts in the 9th grade and ends in grade 12. Those 4 years are going to be the years where we find our interests and know what we want to do or what we want to be in the future. Initially, it could be more challenging for students who have strict parents or have parents who are forcing their children to have a certain career. By the time we decide what career or job we want to do, we’re no longer children, we’re adults. Parents are being childish while forcing adults to be doctors when they want to be something else. It’s completely irresponsible and idiotic to do such things considering that they’re their child. The child might suffer, be depressed, and more. During this time, we must also give parents a “Reality Check” and clarify to them about what is the meaning of being an adult and having a life. Some students might also have a hard time choosing their career or their dreams. It’s probably because they’re confused. This is why it’s necessary to take part in different programs and events. By doing so, not only we realize what we’re interested in, but it’ll also help us to find our careers.


Let’s talk about teachers in high school. Most of you might have a favourite teacher whom you want to be taught by throughout your studying journey. But everyone comes and leaves. The teachers won’t be dwelling. They might choose a different path, teach different grades etc. Teachers will change and you can’t deny that fact. Though you might have liked your previous teacher better, you must always respect the new teachers because they will be the ones assisting you in your studies, in your life throughout high school, the time when you will need to make complicated decisions and understand different topics more broadly. 


When the term “high school” comes to our mind, we have the thought that we’re barely going to get by in those upcoming days. But every flaw has its beauty as well. High school is the perfect time and opportunity to take part in different club activities offered to us that we’ve never got to join or experience during our middle school and elementary school journey. Of course, we’re going to make new friends as well. 


For example: You're a 9th-grade student. You take your first step in high school as a grade 9 student thinking that it will all be the same as the previous grades you studied. Well, if we are going to enter grade 9 with that thought, we’re never going to make our grade 9 time meaningful. High School is going to be completely different from middle school. Though we are going to be “studying” in both high school and middle school, the learning method, and the way the teacher will teach are going to be different. Unlike middle school, where you will be making decisions with your parents and teachers assisting you, in high school, you are completely alone and will need to make decisions based on your preferences, conscience and knowledge you’ve gained throughout life while studying.


High School is the time when one matures. It’s time to take every opportunity because who knows what those opportunities can lead to in our lives. Thus, in conclusion, though initially, high school might seem like an extreme roller coaster ride with many hindrances and obstacles coming and going, it is one of the golden times of our lives when we find our interests and decide what to do with our lives. Therefore, we must appreciate this period, give our best and do whatever we can in high school since after high school we can’t go back in time and change the mistakes we made that we will regret throughout our lifetime.