
Student Corner

Be The Change

Written by: Selena Bhattarai - 30041, Grade VII

Posted on: 13 May, 2024

Part -1


Wishing others to get it done,

Forgetting the main reason why we were born,

Missing the opportunities by putting hands down,

Staring at the achievers letting them win the crown,


Choosing to be quiet in front of mass,

Disposing your quality in the trash,

Wishing others to contribute for match,

Losing the opportunities before you catch,


Shine high up in the sky,

Push yourself and do not forget to try,

Observe life and see how it links

Be the change and get the wing!


Part - 2


It's not about you,

So, learn to say me,

Together we can do,

So let the change be.


Start from little,

And it will turn up more,

You will see your way,

That leads to shore.


The great people now,

Were once as you are,

So don't give up hope,

Your destiny isn't far.


You change yourself first,

Then think about the rest,

One can do a lot,

So be the change for the best.