
Student Corner

Dawood Ibrahim

Written by: Suvani Karki - 29055, Grade VIII

Posted on: 10 May, 2024

UN recognized terrorist and still India’s most wanted criminal, the story of Dawood is considered and is the most terrifying story the time has lived. When the world could never imagine a son of a constable would terrorize the world, a young man from Khed, India turned out to be one of the world’s most wanted mob bosses, drug lord and a huge criminal.

Dawood was the son of Ibrahim Kaskar. Kaskar had 12 children and Dawood was the seventh child. The salary of a constable was scant to run a family of 15. Dawood had faced many challenges earlier in his life. Dawood chose the wrong way to earn money. Dawood started doing small criminal activities with a local gang of his town. But soon he met gang members from crime groups and started his journey of being the biggest mob boss in India’s history.

In 1976 Dawood founded an organization named the D-Company. Dawood had Chhota Rajan (who turned Dawood’s biggest enemy later), Arun Gawli, Ali Budesh and many more opponents from the beginning of the rise. But in 1993, when Mumbai faced the greatest trauma of the 90s with twelve series bombings, Indian police found Dawood being the mastermind behind it. After that, Dawood was still hiding but the D-Company was still running successfully. Dawood would persuade the sheikhs of Dubai to get in partnership with him. Then in 1986 Pathan gang and D-company were separated. Pathan gang was a very dominant gang back then in Mumbai. So, D company which now was being run by Dawood and his elder brother Shabir started their smuggling operations. 

The world has heard millions of myths about the relation between Dawood and Bollywood, but it I still under speculation. Bollywood actors have been seen with Dawood in several events.  The D-Company had been financing the film industry in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Famous actor of Bollywood Sanjay Dutt was said to be involved in the serial bombing of Mumbai which can be considered as a big sign of Bollywood being connected with the D company. Not only Sanjay Dutt, but many other actors as well recall getting calls from people of Dawood and guiding them what they were supposed to do. But this still remains a big question mark.

From theft to murder, from robbery to drug lord, Dawood was a mighty criminal who is still hiding in Karachi, Pakistan but Pakistan has been denying it till date (as per the news and the media). But, because of one person, many youngsters get inspired to get involved in this business to make quick money. However, they are still unaware about the devastating life afterwards.


