
Student Corner

Article Of DSN II

Written by: Simon Sangat - 20015, Grade IX

Posted on: 24 December, 2018

The day I would be remembering the most in my future, is the day when our school organized a great grand program called Deerwalk Sifal Night II, in which various performances were done. I personally enjoyed a lot that day.

On 30th November 2018, our school organized a grand program in which parents were invited to see some of the creative performances of the students. The school was all decorated and looked amazing. All the decorations were very attractive. The decoration was appreciated by everyone. Parents were invited at 3:15 p.m. and the program started at 3:20 p.m. All the parents were amazed looking at the beautiful decoration of the school. The students and the teachers had put on a great effort. Starting from the entrance gate it was all decorated with colorful balloons and creative paper handicrafts. The stage was also very attractive. The parents were very excited to watch the performances. The program started with the national anthem followed by welcome speech and then there was a welcome dance performed by dance club students. All the audience enjoyed the energetic dance. It was wonderful. Later, parents also enjoyed music, drama, Chinese and Sanskrit speech, dance, fashion show and many more which was very unique.

By the time, the program came to an end. The closing dance was done by the club students. It was very nice. At last, Our principal sir gave a short speech. After that, the students went back home with their parents. It was a well-spent day for me and I really enjoyed my day. The day will always be one of the memorable days for me.