
Student Corner

Mother’s Day

Written by: Saphal Pokharel - 31052, Grade VI

Posted on: 08 May, 2024

Mother's Day is a special day that comes once a year. It is celebrated in many parts of the world on different dates. This day is dedicated to showing respect to every mother because of the hard work they do to take care of their children.

On this day, children buy gifts or write cards for their mothers. In Mongolia, the government gives badges and some money to the mothers according to the number of children they have. It's a way of acknowledging the mothers' dedication and contribution to society.

In addition to gifts, people often celebrate by cutting cakes or having family gatherings. It's not necessary to always give a gift; a card can also be meaningful.

We should not only respect our mothers on Mother's Day, but we should respect them every day. We should always love our mothers and help them with household chores. Simple acts of kindness and appreciation can mean a lot to them.

We should never yell at our mothers because it hurts their feelings and makes them feel bad. They deserve our love and respect every day, not just on Mother's Day.