
Student Corner

First Day At My New School

Written by: Anurag Pandey - 28031, Grade IX

Posted on: 07 May, 2024

My first day at my new school was a completely new experience for me. For me, changing school was completely going to a new world for me, as I haven’t changed my school till now, as I am 13 years. I felt my new school was quite exciting also, as I was entering an unknown territory. I was so excited and a little nervous.


I woke up in the early morning, ate breakfast, took a shower, and moved towards the bus stand, saying bye to my parents. I didn't have lunch because I was going to have it at school. I got on the bus. Meanwhile, I got to know my route teacher and my stand of taking the bus was the same. I was moving towards my school enjoying the scenes from the bus. I finally reached my new school, being unknown about my class and everything.


One of the most important aspects of the first day was getting to know about classmates and teachers. As this initial interaction sets the tone for the rest of the school year. Making a positive first impression and building new friendships, I was exploring my school. I introduced myself to my classmates, exchanging smiles, and engaged in friendly conversations, which removed my nervousness and created a welcoming atmosphere. Another aspect of the first day for me was familiarizing myself with the school’s layout and facilities. I also met new students like me in the school, which made me more confident. I took the time to explore the school premises, locate my classrooms, and identify important areas like the cafeteria, washrooms etc.


In addition to socializing and exploring, the first day was an opportunity to understand the school’s expectations and rules. On my first day, the  teachers explained about the school’s expectations, academic goals, and disciplinary policies. This gave me a clear understanding of what was expected by me as a student and helped me set the right mindset.


Lastly, the first day in a new school was an opportunity for personal growth. It taught me independence, and the ability to handle unfamiliar situations. I realized the importance of embracing new experiences and approaching them with an open mind which helps us be able to handle any unforeseen challenges in the future.