
Student Corner

Importance of Digital Detox

Written by: Aaryan Bhurtel - 28030, Grade IX

Posted on: 03 May, 2024

In today’s world, technology has affected our lives a lot. It is a huge part of our lives and has been improving day by day in a stupendous manner. Technology has been a great resource in order to complete our work efficiently. Technology is now being widely used all over the world for several purposes such as creating documents, doing research, for entertainment etc. Nowadays, technology is so widely used that every child has their own device. 


Technology is an epitome of the statement, “Every coin has two sides”. On one side technology is extremely beneficial to us as it increases our efficiency whereas on the other hand it can even harm us. When we use technology to do something productive, we do use it properly but some people might get addicted to using devices and social media. Social media, indeed, is a great place to communicate as well as to connect ourselves to other people but it is addicting. These social media pages are made in such a way that once a person starts using it, the person simply keeps on scrolling and wasting their time on it. 


Addiction towards technology is becoming a serious problem mostly among the children. Nowadays, children need their devices even to eat their food. They are so addicted towards the device that they ruin their health and academics. This thing definitely affects our eyes as well as our mental health. When we get addicted towards devices, we find every other thing boring. The addiction of technology usually starts when a child is too young where their mother distracts their mind by playing any rhymes or cartoons they love and feeding them the food. The child starts to get addicted towards these gadgets and now asks for it everytime. Parents usually aren’t able to deny their child and end up giving them gadgets they desire. Children start using their devices more than they need to and in most cases have gotten addicted.


While technology is one of the unavoidable things in our life, we cannot completely stop using it but we can minimize its use. “Digital detox” simply means a process of abstaining from technology for a short period of time to get rid of the addiction towards technology. It is the practice of decreasing the use of devices in order to reduce stress, reduce the addiction towards devices and most importantly in order to make time for spending time outdoors or to learn new habits such as reading books, having face-to-face interactions with people etc. 


Digital detox is a great way for one to manage their relationship with technology and create a sense of balance in life. However, technology in today’s world must be used as it makes a person efficient and productive but if we get addicted towards it, we are harming ourselves. Every person must practice digital detox if they feel like they aren't able to manage time for learning new habits or if they feel like they are getting addicted towards devices. Digital detox is definitely not an easy process because once we start to reduce the use of devices, we face challenges such as not finding any work to do or our body wanting to use the devices frequently. To overcome this we need to divert our mind to other productive activities and work on ourselves. 


After digital detox, many people say that it has helped them in various things such as concentration, sleep etc. Digital detox is a phenomenal way to get rid of addiction towards devices and learning new skills at the same time. However, many people have misunderstood this process by thinking that digital detox means to completely stop using devices but digital detox actually means to minimize the use of devices.