
Student Corner

Internet Influence on Children

Written by: Narve Shahukhal - 30014, Grade VI

Posted on: 14 March, 2024

Media can expose children to cyberbullying, making them feel sad and even leading to suicide. It can also reduce the time children spend with their families, making them feel lonely. Plus, the media can distract kids from important things like schoolwork and harm their performance in school.

The internet has its drawbacks, too. It can be addictive, a waste of time, and a platform for bullying, trolls, and stalkers. Violent images can also be harmful. Being too engrossed in the internet can disconnect kids from their responsibilities and make it hard for them to focus.

Some kids may experience negative effects on their brains, leading to issues like hyperactivity, emotional problems, and difficulties with socialising. They might even have trouble maintaining a healthy weight.

Using the internet can sometimes lead to hurtful behaviour, as people feel anonymous and free from consequences. This can cause psychological issues like anxiety, depression, and harmful thoughts among youth.

To protect kids from these negative influences, parents can:

  1. Talk to their child about internet safety.
  2. Limit the time their child spends online.
  3. Monitor their child's online activity.
  4. Be a supportive friend to their child.
  5. Review and adjust privacy settings together.
  6. Have regular conversations with their child.
  7. Make sure their child doesn't feel lonely and offer emotional support.
  8. Help their child with homework and other activities to strengthen the parent-child bond.
  9. Stay calm and approachable around their child.

By taking these steps, parents can help their kids stay safe .