
Student Corner

My Experience on Cooking

Written by: Manan Khanal - 31049, Grade V

Posted on: 13 March, 2024

I really enjoy cooking, especially in the oven. It all started when I was just 4 years old. I saw my mom making tortillas and wanted to try rolling the dough myself. But I was not very good at it at first.

No matter how hard I tried, my tortillas did not turn out perfect. But I did not give up. With my mom's help, I kept practising until I got better.

As I grew up, I kept trying new recipes and techniques. Sometimes, I made mistakes and burned things, but I never stopped enjoying cooking.

Now, when I cook, I feel happy knowing that I can make delicious food for my family and friends. Even people who visit us enjoy my cooking!

Cooking has taught me a lot and brought me closer to my family. It is something I love doing, and I will keep cooking with all my heart, even if I do not get everything perfect. Because what matters most is sharing love through food.