
Student Corner

Simplistic Tone

Written by: Suphiyana Ghimire - 27016, Grade IX

Posted on: 06 March, 2024

Through the forever-wavering cloud,

Crystal raindrops seemed so loud.

As they occlude the alleys’ cracks,

Covering the tone of click & clacks.


Along the shine of the rising sun,

In the morning as they wake and run.

Through paved paths and dry streets,

Shadows tagging along through the pits.


The wind is blowing on my face,

The feels I get are so good.

Yet lonely at the corner of the street,

Look at the sun, feel the warmth, making it alright.


Time goes on by without a care,

But still, heals and hurts so many here.

They say wounds will go away as time passes by,

Then what is it? The reason they cry.


The very sound of these raindrops,

The calming tone of plip and plops.

Yes, they are the simplistic tone,

The enchanting tone.