
Student Corner

An Unforgettable Day

Written by: Satkrit Pokharel - 27034, Grade IX

Posted on: 27 February, 2024

I was in the eighth grade and it all started during a dance class in our school. We were practicing for our dance performance. The dance class was becoming boring. Our teacher was nice but couldn't make it fun. So, my friends and I came up with a plan to make the day more exciting. 

Our plan was really simple: skip a few classes, especially math class because the teacher was new to our school and we didn’t enjoy the class. We wanted to see how many classes we could miss without getting caught. It was kind of a mission to us but turns out that it turned into a thrilling adventure and we'll always remember the incident. 

As it was a social class at that time, we managed to ask our social sir to give us some time for dance practice and he allowed us. But after a few hours, our teacher realized that we were not back from our dance practice and sent some students to find us. We told them we were still practicing, which was not true. 

Surprisingly, our excuse worked for some time. We ended up skipping three classes because of that excuse, but we all forgot that we could get in big trouble. However, our teacher managed to find us and called us to the school hall and started asking questions to find out who came up with the plan. None of us said a word or revealed who thought of it. We even got more friends to join us, so it was even harder to figure out. Teachers even gave us some time to discuss the situation which was even funnier as all of us were panicking and just too worried. 

To our surprise, we didn't get in trouble. Our teacher couldn't figure out what happened, and we escaped any punishment. What's even funnier and memorable is that I was the mastermind behind the plan. I had come up with the idea and convinced my friends to join me, and since I was the class captain, I played a significant role in the class and was the one who was asked most of the time and was assigned to find the mastermind. 

During our discussion with the teacher, she asked one of my friends, and that guy revealed my name. Our social teacher looked at me with a smile and asked if that was true. This turned a serious discussion into a humorous one, and it led to a debate between me and my friend. 

When I look back, I remember an enjoyable and special day. It was all about having an adventure and being with friends. Whenever I think about that day, I used to feel happy because we were brave and had so much fun. It's a real event which  I'll never forget.