
Student Corner

Why Do People Lie?

Written by: Rushina Tamang - 26008, Grade X

Posted on: 20 February, 2024

Let’s admit the fact that we all have lied at least once in our lives and it’s not wrong. Sometimes during near death or necessary situations a person has to lie. As it is in our survival instinct. But lying becomes a problem when it becomes a regular practice. Even in situations where it is better to speak the truth for the better and apologize, people prefer to lie. Children are parented from a young age to always speak the truth and never to lie then how do they grow up to be adults who lie. Well, it’s not their fault, it is just the environment that they grew up in. We lie so that we don’t have to stay in a stressful situation which might take a toll on us physically  or mentally. Lying is necessary and important in appropriate situations as much as telling the truth is. But some adults grow the habit of lying so much to the extent where they develop anxiety to tell the truth or find it physically difficult. And growing up amongst these types of adults, children just adapt to lying to not get in trouble with their respective adults in their lives. 


It’s normal to lie and it is necessary but when it becomes a habit, then is the moment it becomes an unfair motive. Because sometimes in a situation when a person can easily tell the truth and fix a problem with just a simple apology they lie. And even if they do not lie and tell the truth, they fabricate it with hundreds of excuses one on top of other causing the person who was blaming them initially to think that they were in the wrong for blaming them. Which is the situation I personally hate the most. Because I believe that if you are generally trying to fix a problem, you shouldn’t fabricate your apology with excuses because even if the truth is being said, I would consider it as a lie. If a person is at fault, their apology should basically output as, “I am very sorry. I did these wrong things to you. Please forgive me.” And that’s it. It is the most general form of an apology that sounds like it is actually meant. 


And as an adult, we should prevent our children from getting involved in the act of constant lying. For example:- You can’t argue with your partner in front of your young child for years as they are growing up and when they just adapt to the fighting and start distancing themselves from you because they don’t want to get involved or are mentally scarred and scared, you come up finally want to be a proper parent and fix the scar that cannot be erased and apologize and your apology sounds like, “It was all your other parents fault, they ruined everything which is why I they argued so much, I tried to tell your other parent to not fight in front of you as it might affect you (They did but never initiated this thought), etc.” blaming everything on everything else but them and then telling them to be strong and handle this trauma like an adult. This type of parenting, you can’t even call it parenting. It is more like manipulating. 


This is why I think most children and adults prefer to lie. It isn’t their fault, it is just the happy and so definitely cheerful environment that they grew up in that is just perfect for children.