
Student Corner

A Letter to my Parents

Written by: Harshit Agrawal - 32009, Grade IV

Posted on: 16 February, 2024

Respected mummy and papa ,

I am writing this letter to thank you for all the things you  have given me. I know that you work very hard to give me a good life. I sometimes get scolded and feel bad but that  doesn't affect how I depict you and love you .  I have always loved how well  you  have been raising me. I am thankful for the times when you have forgiven my mistakes even though that hurt you a lot . Papa, I treasure the times I spend with you whenever you tell me stories or play games along with me. Mummy, I am thankful for the way you have been guiding me in my studies. I have loved each moment of joy you have given me and I promise to be a good child of yours.

Yours, Harshit