
Student Corner

Does Technology Make us More Alone?

Written by: Shreeda Risal - 29031, Grade VII

Posted on: 09 February, 2024

Technology has been something more important than anything recently. Technology has been more than our life. Even in everything technology is used. Many people in the house have mobile phones. No one talks to no one in every single room. Every single person is on the phone. Even the poor people have phones in their hands. If someone needs something as a gift they would always ask for a phone, ipad, tablet, laptop and TV. There are a lot of electronic shops right now, more than the other shops. If everyone is on the phone always then they would not be alone. In the chat also you can chat with your friend. 


If you are not feeling good then you can share it with your friend who always understands you even in the chat if you are at home. If someone said something bad to you or you are feeling lonely then you have your friend technology in which you can just listen to a song. You can just listen to your favorite songs and just see something that can give you peace or relaxation. You can also have it as a friend who you would talk to and feel good. Just like if you have alexa, you can talk to. If you don’t have someone to play with then you can play with the alexa or the google home you have. As per the saying it is said that the coin has two parts one is the head and one is the tail then also technology has two sides, one good and one bad but if you see it then it has more good part then the bad part. 


If you are a positive thinker then you would feel that the technology is good but if you are not a positive thinker and you are a negative thinker then you would think that technology is bad. The kids join kids messenger and other things then they would be a person who would be socializing with everyone. It would be easy for them to talk different language.It would also be easy for them to get knowledge or to get more information. It would also be very easy for them to be with their friends.


In conclusion, technology is a tool and how we use it matters.