
Student Corner

Naughty to Kind Hearted

Written by: Sauravi Thapa - 29030, Grade VII

Posted on: 07 February, 2024

There once lived a naughty boy. He used to live in a huge house. He was very selfish about his dad’s wealth. His family was the richest. His parents were very kind hearted. They used to help needy people all the time. They loved helping people. Whereas the boy was the complete opposite. He loved seeing people suffer. He wouldn’t help people in need, in fact he used to laugh at them and  make fun of them. The maid of the house took care of him. He would make the maid regret the decision of working in his house. But the maid could do nothing but work there with a smile. The boy used to make lots of trouble. And the poor maid had to face the consequences. The boy used to enjoy it. His parents used to tell him to always be kind and help people in need. In front of his parents he used to act all innocent and in the back he was a devil. One day his parents went on a long trip. And the boy was alone with the maid. He was rude to the maid. One day while his parents were coming from the trip. They had a bad accident. It was a car crash. His parents' car crashed on a rock of the hill. His parents were badly injured and then they were admitted to the hospital. When he heard the news about his parents he was crushed. His heart sank to the bottom. He remembered each and every moment with his parents. He visited his parents in the hospital and was crying a lot. Then his parents were brought home and the maid took good care of him and it helped his parents recover well. Then the boy realized what he had done. He was sorry towards the maid and apologized to both his parents and the maid. Then the boy started being kind and very helpful and would welcome everyone with a smile. And from that day he and his family lived happily ever after.