
Student Corner

Social Manners

Written by: Aiden Man Nhuchhe Pradhan - 32028, Grade IV

Posted on: 06 February, 2024

I Encountered an  incident once when I had gone with my grandmother to Patan Durbar Square by a micro bus. In the micro bus, I witnessed a man who was continuously blabbering to everyone. Moreover, he was harassing the driver to drive faster. While he himself was sitting down to relax. I don’t know and as I couldn't understand the actual reason behind his such behavior but I did not likehis behavior at all. That made me wonder into social manners, especially in public places.

We all need to be in a public place from time to time.We  need to behave well inthose kinds of places. Manners play an important role in life. It helps us to cooperate with one another.

Besides, it gives a good impression in front of everyone. A well mannered person can focus better on oneself and others to help bring a better output at home, office and anywhere the person goes to as good manners make us a good human being. 

We need to reflect good  manners in all places, whether in home, school or anywhere outside. Even if other people don’t. Social manners benefit our behavior immensely. We should use polite words everyday like sorry, thank you, Excuse me, please. I would like to request all of my readers to practice and maintain good manners every day. Each day is a new day to practice and learn.