
Student Corner

How Social Media Affects Us?

Written by: Nayan Shakya - 29062, Grade VII

Posted on: 30 January, 2024


When hearing the term ‘Social Media’ we generally think of apps like Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook or any other app where you can talk to other people via the internet. Social media is something almost everybody uses. It includes children, adults and even the elderly. 


Social media is extremely addicting. Especially for young children and teenagers which affects their overall lifestyle, almost as if social media has been substituted for drugs if we want to exaggerate. For example, a person would be addicted to their phone if they just scroll through short videos and spend hours without knowing. 


Instead of being productive, people post videos in apps such as TikTok or Instagram. Fortunately, TikTok has been banned in our country which will lead to improvements. But, just banning TikTok is not enough as there are hundreds of thousands of other apps similar. Use of extensive social media hinders people's relation with their family members as everyone in the family is engrossed in their devices with no interaction. Mindlessly scrolling on social media hinders the individual’s socializing abilities,as well as  leading to bad physical conditions including having low stamina, body aches, low physical abilities etc. 


As people are mainly watching short content nowadays, their attention span is also getting very low. It affects their daily life as they are not able to focus. Social media has these “trends”, the things that got popular and now everybody is doing it for internet clout like clones. Either it be creating disruption in public such as dancing, pranking strangers, or damaging public property just for a couple views and clicks.


Some people genuinely want the world to be better and film their acts of kindness such as donating money, feeding food to those in need, organizing charities and more. But on the other hand some people fake such videos and later get exposed which is hypocritical. Such people who get ‘canceled’ on the internet genuinely will not be apologetic which makes us question their morals.


In conclusion, social media has various advantages but people who misuse it are wasting its potential.