
Student Corner

Light Magic - Chapter 4

Written by: Riddhis Sharma - 26006, Grade X

Posted on: 25 January, 2024

In the days leading up to the magic-casting examination, Peter's emotions swung like a pendulum between excitement and nervousness. With Jimmy, his steadfast companion, by his side, the weekend unfolded as a magical journey of its own. They toiled tirelessly in a secluded corner of the campus, shielded from judgmental gazes, where Peter practiced levitation and transformation under Jimmy's encouraging guidance.


Jimmy, a beacon of friendship, recognized Peter's innate talent and saw the potential for higher-level magic within him. Despite Peter's occasional struggles with consistency, Jimmy held firm belief in his friend's determination and hard work, convinced that Peter had a strong chance of passing the impending test.


On the day of the examination, the auditorium buzzed with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Peter executed his spells with laser-like focus, showcasing the skills meticulously refined with Jimmy's assistance. The hushed conversations among the magic users added to the suspense, creating an atmosphere of shared nerves.


Olivander, the esteemed 8th tier mage, observed the proceedings with keen interest. His wise eyes swept across the room, and Peter's performance didn't escape his notice. There was a certain magic in the way Peter connected with magical energies that intrigued Olivander.


As the examination unfolded, Peter's mastery of basic spells left an indelible impression on the discerning examiners. The testing committee, with Olivander among them, acknowledged his potential. Yet, Peter's mind wandered towards the enchanting concept of Light magic—the magic of the heavens. The notion that it demanded a selfless heart captivated him.


Post-exam, Jimmy warmly congratulated Peter on a job well done. Eager to celebrate their success, the friends made their way to a charming inn near the campus. Jimmy told enchanting tales of legendary mages who had mastered Light magic. The stories of selflessness, compassion, and sacrifices for the greater good fueled Peter's imagination.


Intrigued, Peter embarked on a journey into the mysteries of Light magic during his free time. His curiosity led him to delve into ancient texts, explore the magical library, and seek guidance from professors. The concept of Light magic evolved into a personal quest, a fascination that fueled his determination to unravel its secrets.


Unbeknownst to Peter, his magical journey was just unfolding. The whispers of Light magic beckoned him toward a destiny beyond the ordinary paths of a mage. The magical campus, once a realm of academic pursuits, now held the promise of extraordinary adventures.


Days transformed into weeks as Peter's fascination with Light magic deepened. References to a forgotten temple, rumored to be a gateway to the realm of pure magic, captured his attention. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Peter embarked on a perilous quest. The magical campus ceased to be a familiar setting, transforming into a launching pad for an extraordinary adventure that would not only test Peter's magical abilities but also shape his character. Little did he know that the whispers of Light magic would guide him toward a destiny that would redefine his understanding of magic and carve out his unique place in the magical world.