
Student Corner

Is it Okay to Lie ?

Written by: Sakshi Singh - 29027, Grade VII

Posted on: 26 December, 2023

Yes, Many people believe that honesty is the best policy. Just not to lie is the best policy people think but many have their own opinion or overview of it in their own way. In my opinion, sometimes it is okay to lie but not every time. Because behind this there are several reasons like; sometimes we are forced to lie in that situation we have to tell lies and if we talk about the other case, so sometimes in our life it is necessary to lie as well. We people don’t always tell the truth in this world. As far as I know, in this world there are lots of people who tell lies. If we talk about the research, Sixty percent of people lie every ten minutes.


If you lie for some specific reason then lying is okay whereas if you lie to just not get in trouble or any ill purpose and lie even a big mistake, then there is a problem. Lie depends on what case you are telling as well whereas the white lie or real lie. White are known as innocuous. Lie’s can be said for different reasons just like an example; Our parents used to tell us stories and different other things when we were little kids and we used to believe it as well and this was normal at that time and right now as well. Saying a lie is not a big problem or an issue, it depends on people’s situation in what case people tell lies. It may be sometimes for good reasons or may be for bad reasons as well. When we think about lying, I feel like the people really feel bad and try to tell any type of reason that could be accepted in most of the cases and if we tell the truth behind the lie then it will not be for a bad reason. Usually, When small childrens are alone at home and their parents are not home at that time if any stranger comes then the children usually lie for their own self- protection which is also okay. There could be many situations where the childrens don’t protect themselves from the strangers and at that time the child could get kidnapped and even it could be a serious situation. Usually, it is acceptable to lie with people who are emotionally fragile, near death etc can be the most specific reason behind telling a lie. In reality, the consequences of lying are serious. The intent is negative in lying with ill purpose. If we talk about lying for positive outcomes, the intent is positive and not too much of a major or serious case. In this world by doing the research there are lots of adult people who usually don't lie often but they talk a lot. Those people who say that telling lies are completely wrong. I really respect their own opinion but sometimes in our life we have to tell lies for several reasons as well even I have even mentioned reasons behind telling lies. 


If we are telling somebody a lie just for true and right reason then that is an honest lie and if we are telling a lie just to escape from the trouble or any problem that is not good that’s really bad in my opinion. I don’t know what other people’s think who live in this world and even they all have their own point of view towards any kind of thing just like right now we are talking about whether telling lies can be useful or harmful it’s still a ponderable topic.