
Student Corner

Bullying and Its Consequences

Written by: Sparsha Dahal - 25073, Grade XI

Posted on: 20 December, 2023

             "Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke." - Benjamin Disraeli


Bullying, a considerable social crime, is a behavior in which a person is harmed with intention mentally or physically. It is an aggressive behavior shown by an individual or a company. It is often used to dominate other people. Bullying mostly includes making fun of others on their appearance, behavior, religion, social status, sexual identity and the like.  

Forms of Bullying 

i) Physical Bullying: If a person is physically harmed without their consent, it can be considered as physical bullying. It includes spitting, punching, hitting, kicking, tripping etc. 

ii) Verbal Bullying: Saying offensive things to people is known as verbal bullying. It includes Teasing others, threatening, calling others by wrong or offensive names etc. 

iii) Social Bullying: Social Bullying refers to people bullying socially by making rumors of relationships with the intention of destroying it. 

Causes of Bullying 

One of the main causes of bullying is the anger issues in the age of adolescence. Teenagers cannot control the anger issues and bullying comes as the outcome of it. Bullying can also be addressed due to social and cultural peer pressure. Bullying can also be the outcome due to the psychological disruption of any individual. Anyway, there cannot be specified reason for bullying as it can be considered as a multi-dimensional subject.  

Consequences of Bullying on Victim

Bullying has a very huge impact on the victim. Both mentally and physically. This could lead victims to mental disorders like sadness, anxiety, depression, feeling low and so on. This eventually leads toward the bad performance of individuals in academics and social well being of the person. This makes the victim very low on confidence in his/her daily work. Some of the victims avoid going to their respective jobs and school due to the threat of bullying. They suffer from different stress related problems which may lead to chronic-illness. Which can include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) . Bullying makes it difficult in trusting others and forming new relationships. Victims may suffer from suicidal thoughts and also may attempt for it. 

Prevention Of Bullying

It is very hard to eradicate bullying totally from society and mostly from schools. First of all, different laws should be made and implemented against bullying. Different school and community level awareness programs should be organized with the state-community partnership. Different school-based programs should be organized. The behavior of the students in the schools should be properly monitored and supervised. Parental involvement and control is also one of the most important components to eradicate bullying from our society. There should be creation of a friendly and comfortable environment about complaining about the bullying by the victim. And these kinds of problems should also be given priority by the Civil Service Officers. Hence, Anti-bullying policies and concepts should be formed in the country as well. 


It is all our responsibility to eradicate bullies from society. Making our society bully free. For this, we all need to compete as a team. Collaboration amongst people and government can be a strong point for this issue.