
Student Corner

Isn’t Social Media Positive?

Written by: Aryan Chaudhary - 24064, Grade XII

Posted on: 19 December, 2023

Everybody has heard the term social media. For some people social media is an interactive media that uses the internet to meet and communicate with different people all around the world. It is also the channel that gives people a chance to send and receive messages. It allows the user to share their ideas, information, profession, studies and so on.

In this generation, there are many technologies being developed. As many technologies are being developed, social media is also growing rapidly and becoming an inevitable part of our life. There are many forms of social media that we knowingly or unknowingly use in our daily life, including blogs, micro-blogs, Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, and other different information sharing websites and so on. These are all forms of social media. Social media provides tools by which people can communicate, share information, and create new relationships. Social media has many advantages despite its rumors.

Knowledge and learning source: Social media is one of the major platforms where people can gain knowledge. Social media is an effective tool for improving learning and knowledge abilities for both teachers and students. A variety of free educational websites, mentors, and online seminars are available to students.

Sharing Common Interest: Everybody has an area of their interest. Through social media, we may locate and establish connections with thousands of others worldwide who have similar interests to our own. Teenagers and young people can use social media to develop their personalities and share their travels, as well as to feel welcomed and encouraged.

Source of Entertainment: Social media has become a source of pleasure for people of all ages. People may now learn and share a lot of their talent with the world thanks to social media platforms. We can find songs, videos, games, movies, and every possible thing for your entertainment on social media.

Sharing News: Social media has changed the way of communication across the world. Also, news can spread faster thanks to the many social media platforms that offer easily accessible communication. Users of social media can remain informed about the latest news, events, and happenings worldwide with just a few clicks.