
Student Corner

Why is English Needed?

Written by: Sampada Paudel - 25018, Grade XI

Posted on: 06 December, 2023


The prominent aspect that separates us humans from any other creature in this world is our communication and the development of language. Language is the most powerful weapon ever made. It is through the language that the information is being conveyed, and we have come to this level of advancement. The only purpose of language is also the same to spread awareness and develop understanding. Any language in this world does the same.

As a multilingual person myself, I would often question why I and many others in this world have to learn English. The young me was indeed curious but did not have an answer. Now that I have learned the reasons I have been able to sum up the question with one answer and that is to understand and communicate with the majority of people. But to dig deep and understand the question thoroughly, I would like to present a few points:


Universal language

The primary motivation to learn English or speak English lies in its status of being a universal language. It is widely practiced and almost accepted all over the world. English, being comprehensible to a vast audience, acts as a conduit for effective expression and communication. Essentially, practicing English fosters unity and brotherhood. It is due to its universal appeal that it transcends barriers allowing people to share ideas, thoughts and emotions seamlessly.  The advantages of having a universal language extend beyond mere communication. Ability to speak English offers a wide range of opportunities ranging from employment prospects to travel experiences and global connectivity.


Education and Academic Dominance 

The vast majority of research papers, conferences and scientific publications were conducted in English. This implies that the potential students willing to contribute in research and education sectors have to have an ability with English. There are several scientific  terms and references that are only accessible using English. The very reason why in many prestigious universities English is a prerequisite to have. Without having the ability to comprehend English limits scholars with wide resources and information.


Global Business and Employment Opportunities

Learning English opens doors for individuals to a global job market, providing diverse employment opportunities and the ability to work in different countries and across cultures. English serves as the common platform for people across the cultures and diversities to project and discuss ideas and strategies clearly and efficiently. This helps in attending the better understanding of targeted subjects and results in better cooperation and output.



Similar to business English is the common platform to the people engaged in technology. Tech industry consists of people and contributors worldwide. These people bringing advancements are diverse and have differences. So English provides them an opportunity where everyone is equal and can convey their ideas, strategies and discoveries .English enables individuals to participate in global tech communities, extend networks, collaborate in open source projects and stay at the forefront of technological developments.


Globalization and Global fraternity

As globalization is the reality we live in, we are all aware how interconnected our world is. And how we are not very different in experiencing similar problems like any other person coming from whatever background. It is a key element that fosters better understanding, developing connections, transcending barriers, and promoting humanity. English enables individuals and groups to be a part of an interconnected and interdependent world . It actually serves a medium for individuals willing to actively participate in global dialog whether in business, academia, and overall development. 



With the above points I think it is quite clear that English has an indispensable impact in our lives. And learning English enables people to thrive to diverse potentials and experiences. English is a gateway to collaborations, connections, interactions, communication and numerous opportunities. While recognizing the insane advantages of English as a language this does not mean one should disregard their own culture by stating it as inferior. We have to appreciate our culture that makes us stand out in the world but in the process we must be open to the agents and mediums like the English language that fosters unity and brotherhood by somewhat reducing differences prevailed in individuals and groups.