
Student Corner

Let them Dream

Written by: Sadhana Uprety - 24092, Grade XII

Posted on: 05 December, 2023

Oh blimey,

What a thing to be seen.

A young child scattered within dreams.


A dream of wander, 

Mind so free, sight captivated in a glee,

Such innocence never failed to be believed. 


They dance with fairies and chase butterflies,

With everything to do, the world is their prize. 

Let them dream, 

For dreams have the power to redeem.


Within their dreams will they discover,

The strength to overcome and uncover.

In the realm of imagination, they find,

The courage to chase dreams of every kind.


Their visions might shape a world anew

A world ‘one of a kind’

Where possibilities might brew.


So let them dream, 

For dreams will they find a way,

Guided, will seize their day.