
Student Corner

The New Seasons

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VIII

Posted on: 01 December, 2023

There I was again, waking up to a new day

Neither happiness, nor sadness visible in my face

It’s spring again in the month of May

The unbloomed flower bloomed again, catching my gaze


Again, I am waking up to start a new fresh day

Looking outside my window for those bloomed flowers

Instead, I got hit in my eye with a bright sun’s ray

It was summer, a time to take a cold - refreshing shower


Waking up hearing the sounds of the crisping golden brown leaves

It made me drift back to bed and to have a hot cup of tea

It was play a huge melodious sounds in my ear giving me peace

Dear autumn, you make me feel like watching the golden sunset near the sea


Oh lord! After waking up, my gaze drifted outside the window

Where snow was falling, the kids next door making snow angels

It was winter in the glorious, harmonious month of December

It was the time for celebrating the fun times of Christmas


Waking up the next day, nothing new comes up yet

A sunny day, cold breeze, the leaves falling, the bees humming

The vibes of each seasons seems to calm my mindset

Those seasons are what I want to be Exploring