
Student Corner

Dimensional Drift: From Mundane to Extraordinary

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, Grade X

Posted on: 27 November, 2023

Once upon a time, amidst the hills and the forests, there lived a young man named Jake. He was an unremarkable figure in his village, who lived a mundane and uneventful life. Most of his time was spent doing paperwork at a modestly paying bank, often requiring him to work overtime. One night, as he made his way home from work, his life took an unexpected turn.


It was a stormy night, the sound of thunder and lightning echoing through the village. As Jake strolled his way home, a blinding light of thunderbolt broke down from the heavens and struck him with a force beyond any explanation. The thunderbolt ran through his body, sending shivers down his spine, feeling excruciating pain.


Much to his surprise, he did not perish to ashes. However, something seemed strange. Jake found himself transported to a world beyond his wildest imagination. He was no longer in his hometown; it was a whole new world. A colorful spectrum of colors surrounded the whole place. "Am I in heaven?" he asked himself. Well, it was not actually heaven, but a heavenly dimension with strange creatures and a paradisiacal landscape.


As Jake explored the new dimension, he found himself with extraordinary supernatural powers. He could manipulate time, stopping or accelerating it, allowing him to make changes back as well as to the future in time. He could also teleport from one place to another just with a mere thought. It was truly a gift of God, or so he thought.


Years passed by in the dimension; Jake wanted to return to his simple old lifestyle. His extraordinary skills allowed him to explore the dimension; however, it was quite unpredictable. He could teleport right into dangerous sites just by a mere thought, facing bizarre and strange creatures. Time manipulation was equally arbitrary, and he found himself skipping through centuries in a few seconds.


Jake’s hair was turning white, eyes filled with wisdom. He built a simple home there, learned to harness his powers, made friends with the inhabitants in the dimension. Yet, his desire to return back to his old self never waned. He spent countless hours trying to master his powers, controlling teleportation and time manipulation.


Several years passed by; his relentless practice allowed him to teleport and manipulate time with a delicate touch. He mastered teleporting through other dimensions and exploring and discovering new things. A few years back, when he first learned to travel to another dimension, he faced a dangerous-looking creature in the wild. The almost twice as big creature attacked him, just when he thought everything was over, he was teleported back to the previous dimension.


Jack discovered that dying in any alternate dimension would return him back to the original dimension, which was the very reason that had brought him there in the first place. He scavenged through dimensions trying to find his precious earth. He came across other look-alike dimensions but never the one which he admired. Just when he had given up hope, he found his lovely old planet.


Throughout all these years, the planet remained unchanged; the only thing that changed was Jake’s appearance. When he returned, only a few weeks had passed by since his disappearance. His loved ones were surprised when they encountered a middle-aged man, despite only a short disappearance. He kept quiet about where he had been all these years, or “weeks.” His journey reshaped his life from a regular unfathomable guy to a person with supernatural powers.