
Student Corner

Lover’s Emotion

Written by: Pradnesh Singh Basnet - 27015, Grade IX

Posted on: 26 November, 2023

I'm scrolling down the timeline,

Don't worry 'bout me; I'm doin' fine.

I've never felt so sad as I am now.

Just tell me how; I wanna be with you somehow.

Back to those days when we were together,

We used to talk so much; nothing would bother.

I wanted to hold your hand forever,

But it feels like we'll never meet, not ever.


I see your smile and reminisce about those days,

Like I was light, floating in space.

I want that day, but I know it's impossible.I've built my own wall; it's impassable.

I want to end this journey of hope,

But I've tried, reached the end of my rope.

I just want to feel you with my own hand,

I just want to go where you stand