
Student Corner

Equality is Just a Fantasy

Written by: Sonic Smrit Shrestha - 25061, Grade XI

Posted on: 22 November, 2023

The Illusion of Equality

Equality is the state of being equal and the state of getting equal opportunities and rights and enhancing the ability to participate. This is the general definition of equality but are all human beings truly equal? Is it possible to create ideal equality? Everywhere you go, there are talks about the fight for equality. But a wise man once said, “Heaven does not create one person above or below another”. And people like to throw his words around but in truth that’s not the whole quote that wise man said. He goes on to say that while we are all equal at birth, pretty soon things begin to change. Academic effort is what sets some people apart, to rise above others. Wealth and influence are the other benefactors that set some apart. At any rate, humans change over time based on their actions. Truth be told at the end of the day equality is just a fantasy. And most of us go through life denying the fact that we live in a meritocracy.


Inequality as a Harsh Reality

Equality is just a modern-day concept made by those who see the world as a dystopian land filled with nothing but joy and greatness. Human beings fight and struggle to maintain their fantasy of an equal world. Equality is nothing but just a myth and an ever-dying hope of salvation. The sooner we realize that equality cannot be achieved in this world of ours, the sooner we can focus on other, more important matters like the environmental crisis and the threat of a nuclear war. The world we live in doesn’t support equality. To be equal we must all be of the same IQ level, live in the same looking houses, eat the same food, and do the same kind of work but that concept of equality is just not feasible. Once a man said, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer” and that's the hard reality of our world. If one man is suffering then another is in joy and pleasure. 


Gender Disparities

Human beings fight for equality but at the end of the day, equality that they are looking for can’t be achieved. Some people say that if we band together keeping aside our differences then we all can create a world of equality but a world of equality is a fantasy. No man and woman can ever truly be equal. Though one might be better at something the other fails at it and vice versa. But in general, both genders lack something. So, equality between genders can never truly be achieved.


The Dilemma of Equality

In this world, nothing perfect exists and equality is asking for a perfect world. It may be a cliche but perfection does not exist. That’s why ordinary men pursue the concept of equality but its infatuation. But ultimately the question you have to ask yourself is “What is the true meaning of equality?” and the answer I came up with is “Nothing”. The truth of the matter is that I despise the concept of equality. Equality gives people hope for a feature that they didn’t and will never work for. If something is truly equal, then that's it. There will be no room for improvement and there won’t be any need for innovation and no space for intelligence or ability or skills.


Hence, equality is the condition of hopelessness. If everyone is equal, there won’t be any need to push past your limits and strive to be better than anyone that came before you. There won’t be any need for progress. That’s the creatures we are, we try to reach for something that we have to admit may, in fact, be unreachable. But the moment you start talking about equality, you are embracing an impossible concept.