
Student Corner

Family of Lies

Written by: Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade IX

Posted on: 22 November, 2023

Beautiful lies and tremendous horror,

Living within the faces of mysteries,

True and false—a back-and-forth game,

But there was always only one answer.


Hide and hide again,

Keep your pitiful secrets hidden,

Not a glimpse of sincerity,

Trust was never an option.


Dishonesty to your own blood,

Was regret ever felt?

Maybe one day we'll learn how to trust,

But for now, we'll keep it at dusk.


No sign of communication,

No sign of love,

What's the meaning of family?

I couldn't tell you the answer.


Give each other a chance,

And blow it all away,

Welcome to my family,

A family of lies.