
Student Corner


Written by: Kritanjali Odari - 27018, Grade IX

Posted on: 20 November, 2023

Making memories is the best you can do,

Let people decide if they want to go.

A simple thing could also be a memory,

Many things have happened in our vast history.


Memory doesn't need a set place or time,

Always try to be the first to take the prime.

Memories aren't solely about the win,

There's always something thrilling within.


Though we don't talk as we used to do,

I remember the times we spent, it's true.

I wish for more memories until the end,

I wish time could be a loyal friend.


The time we spent together was the best,

With friends, I looked my brightest, I confess.

They were the ones I shared almost everything,

I felt safe trying new things with them, anything.


Even a simple thing can be a memory,

Things that shouldn't be a luxury.

Presents need not be overly expensive,

Don't reveal a side that's offensive.