
Student Corner

The Ballet Dream (Dancing)

Written by: Kristina Rai - 27006, Grade IX

Posted on: 03 November, 2023

One step I walk forward, my next chase.

Pointed shoes wrapped around the ankle.

The hem of the skirt dances like winter snow.

Slowly, I let go and wrap my arms.


The winter calls me in the eternal night.

Swinging my feet up high, I foresee.

The crystals rely on my eyes.

I watch the pretty flakes slowly fade away.


Vast winters and cold feet.

Golden footprints lead me through.

I stand in them, one for the front,

And another for her I see in my reflection.


Pearls of happiness and thunder of fears.

One breath claps the winter air.

I fall and stand between my dream and fear.

The one I look for, the ballet dream.