
Student Corner

Mother’s Love

Written by: Phoebe Shrestha - 26016, Grade X

Posted on: 31 October, 2023

The one who provides love, care, and support,

There is no other like her.

The one who guides our lives,

Bringing brightness to a world once dark.


Her embrace is warm and comforting,

Her gentle touches are pure and tender,

In her loving eyes, we find solace,

A mother's love, a bond that won't surrender.


Her smile is like the sun, warming our souls,

The reason behind our own joyful grins,

She's the masterpiece that God has crafted,

The reason we find the strength to win.


In her presence, I find where I belong,

A guiding light in a world so cruel and dark,

Amidst the highs and lows, she's always near,

Holding my hand, calming every fear.


She endured the pains of labor for our sake,

Granting us the gift of life, no less,

My mother, my champion, my teacher, my guide,

Forever cherished in my heart, in her embrace.


In her eyes, love and care know no bounds,

A love that knows no exception or compare,

A mother's love, so pure and lovely,

Forever grateful for all she does and did share.