
Student Corner

If I Could Rule the World

Written by: Avi Thapa - 30008, Grade VI

Posted on: 30 October, 2023

If I had the chance to rule the world, I would make some important changes to make our planet a better place. Here is what I would do:

Firstly, stop discrimination and racism. I would work to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their background or the colour of their skin. Discrimination and racism would have no place in our world.

Secondly,'say no to plastic. Plastic is a big problem for our environment. It pollutes our land and oceans. To fix this, I would ban the use of single-use plastic items like bags and straws. We need to take better care of our planet.

Thirdly, no more borders and wars. I believe that countries should get along and not fight with each other. So, I would try to end wars and remove borders that divide us. We should all be friends and live in peace.

My dream is to create a world where everyone is treated kindly, our environment is healthy, and there is peace all around. It is important for us to work together to make these changes and make the world a better place for everyone.