
Student Corner

Are the Menendez Brothers Innocent or Guilty?

Written by: Ananya Bhurtel - 29042, Grade VII

Posted on: 28 September, 2023

The story of the Menendez brothers has shocked the world about how children can kill their own parents. The two brothers Lyle and Erick Menendez stated that they killed their parents out of fear and their father would kill them after they threatened to report him to the authorities for the case of sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, this year this case was again brought in. After many years of sexual abuse Lyle had enough and warned to report them. But his father decided to beat him up that very night. In 1989 when they made the decision to kill their parents. With a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun. Kitty(mom) was shot 10 times in total. 


Here are some of my thoughts. I feel like the brothers just did self defence because their father has been torturing  them for years. One of the interviews really caught my eye when a man said that their father will get in the shower with them even though they were 12 and 14 years old and not only that when he was staying at  there house he always saw that going  into the boys room at night he found it weird but didn't report it from the interviews that the brothers did Lyle said that he thought that his mother didn't know about this but one night when he walk down the stairs when his father sexually assaulting his brother upstairs his mom was on the couch with bottle of beer drinking and she said “You thought I didn't know about this I knew this all alone and I Don't really care at that point he said that he saw his mother and his father on the same level.”


The cousin of Lyle and Erik Menendez, says she has no doubt the brothers' parents sexually abused them. Many people are against the authorities putting them in  jail because they did nothing wrong. Are the Menendez brothers really guilty?