
Student Corner


Written by: Surabhi Ghimire - 26012, Grade X

Posted on: 25 September, 2023

“Serene” America, so beautiful and free

Yet, the color of my skin shows me no mercy

Racism lurks in every corner, it’s plain to see

As much as I adore my country, I can’t help but flee.


The economy’s crashing, tax rates so high

Social problems keep mounting, and I let out a sigh

And though it may be the same elsewhere, I know

Living in a place with racism needs to go.


For what is worse than growing up with hate?

Children forced to learn how guns operate

And though they say it’s how they stay safe

Innocents die, we’re forced to mourn in disgrace


I cannot raise my child in such a place!

Where gun violence is commonplace

“Serene” America, I hate to say goodbye

But, for the sake of my family, I have to try.