
Student Corner

My First Experience To Visit Zoo

Written by: Kritish Chhetri - 30045, Grade VI

Posted on: 08 September, 2023

Last Saturday, I went to the Kathmandu Central Zoo, and it was a lot of fun. When I entered the zoo, I noticed there were many visitors there. I took a few steps and saw a crocodile in a hole. After that, I spotted some monkeys in a cage, including a chimpanzee. It was my first time seeing a real-life wolf, and I also saw some flamingos.
The highlight of my visit was seeing a tiger, which was quite scary. I could not help but imagine what would happen if someone accidentally fell into the lion area and how everyone would react. I then came across a peacock, but it was not displaying its beautiful wings. I waited for about 15 minutes, but it still did not show its wings.
I later visited the birds section, where I saw various types of birds, including colourful parrots that were chattering away and exotic species I had never seen before. Finally, I came across a bear peacefully resting in its enclosure, and it was fascinating to watch it up close.
Overall, my trip to the Kathmandu Central Zoo was a memorable experience, filled with exciting animal encounters and moments of wonder.