
Student Corner

Brain Drain

Written by: Tanishq Shakya - 28011, Grade VIII

Posted on: 06 September, 2023

Brain Drain means when a highly skilled individual leaves or migrates from the country and goes to another country for better opportunities. Mostly, it is due to better paying jobs, lack of opportunities, political and economical problems in the home country. Brain Drain not only causes the decreasing number of people in their home country but also affects the country in economic, social way, education and development of the country.


Migrating to another country can affect our home country in both positive and negative ways. For example, if a person migrates to another country and works there the home country will receive some remittance but in the cases where a huge number of people are migrating to another country for jobs or better opportunities might cause the lack of skilled human resources in our home country. But, when people learn various new things from other countries and come back to their home land and decide to apply that in their home country, then the home country benefits from that. Not only for good jobs but youths also migrate to another country for education as the rate of education and educated people is higher in comparison to their home land. There are various reasons for brain drain and solutions to decrease brain drain. Firstly, the main reason for brain drain is due to the lack of proper paying jobs. For that we must try to improve working conditions in our home country which includes better paying jobs, good opportunities, better health care etc which will help to attract skilled individuals leading towards the development in the human resources of the country. Another major reason for brain drain is educational opportunities. We can see that many people go for abroad studies but if we are able to manage our education system and provide better facilities towards educational factors, skilled resources would stay in the home country and for its development.


In conclusion, brain drain has been taken as an essential way to earn remittance and produce skilled human resources by country but who knows it turned out to be a liability in the long run where most populations once migrated have less frequent chance to come back to home land.