
Student Corner

B.P Koirala Memorial Planetarium Observatory Science Museum

Written by: Niva Shrestha - 30017, Grade VI

Posted on: 04 September, 2023

We went to the museum after lunch, and it took around 30 minutes for us to get there. It is located in Kirtipur. While we were on the bus, some people were singing. After we arrived at the museum, a staff member guided us throughout our field visit. The first thing we saw was a Bernoulli blower. The staff member showed us how to use it by showing an example. He turned on the machine, and air started coming out. He dropped the ball, which was in his hand, exactly where the air was coming out, and the ball started to float. Everyone was amazed, and so was I. Then we saw many other things, like sound tubes, magic mirrors, walking pianos, and many more. Soon we went to another room, and there were things like an infinity mirror and an electromagnetic spectrum. My favourite thing throughout our field trip was something called a "Colour Shadow" . When we turn the machine on, it shows yellow, blue, and red on a blank wall. We can do any activity in front of it, and our shadows will show what activity we are doing. It was really cool for me. Afterwards, we went to the "Botany Section" . I saw many plants, like an apricot and mushrooms. The plants were either displayed on the wall or in a glass frame in three rooms. The last room had a big mushroom that was painted a mix of pink and purple. Then we exited that room and went to the second floor. The second floor did not have much to see. There were statues of some men and statues of some plants. That was all the second floor had. It was 1:40 p.m. when we exited the museum. We took a group photo and went back to the school.
The museum was really amazing and astonishing, but I wish there were more things to explore on the second floor. This field visit was very memorable to me and my classmates, and I enjoyed it a lot. I appreciate that my teachers picked such an informative and thoughtful place to visit. B.P. Koirala Memorial Planetarium Observatory Science Museum.