
Student Corner

Trip To Manakamana

Written by: Sangay Sherpa - 30030, Grade VI

Posted on: 30 August, 2023

I am going to write about my trip to Manakamana. In the morning, I woke up early to get ready quickly. When I went to my parents' room, I noticed that they were still sleeping and dreaming. So, I hurriedly woke them up and reminded them about today's trip to Manakamana. At that moment, I also realised that I had not even brushed my teeth or washed my face. My father called my uncle to get ready because we were going to pick him up. We planned to visit Swayambhunath and were surprised to know that my uncle's Chinese friend would also be joining us. However, I was more shocked to find out that our reserved car had not arrived yet. Slowly, I began to lose hope of going to Manakamana and enjoying the trip. But at the last moment, we received news that the car was being repaired and would take around 9 to 12 minutes to arrive. Finally, the car came.
Now, let us get to the main point. I was feeling very anxious at that time because it was my first time travelling with Chinese guests. It turned out to be quite enjoyable to converse with each other. We were all very excited to share this ride with our Chinese friends. After a long journey, we finally reached Manakamana. The view was incredibly relaxing, and I fell in love with the peacefulness of the place. It was far away from noise pollution, and was a perfect spot for meditation. When we reached there, we started taking photos. After capturing some moments, we had lunch.
After that, we climbed up the cable car. It is a modern technology that runs on electricity. Riding the cable car was a bit scary for me. After a few minutes we reached the temple, where we worshipped and took photos. I documented all of these experiences in my notes, and I highly recommend everyone do the same. When you travel far from the city, keeping a diary can help you remember all the details. I encourage you to write about your travels, as many people enjoy reading such accounts. With this, I conclude my writing.