
Student Corner

Necessity is the mother of invention

Written by: Agrim Rijal - 29005, Grade VII

Posted on: 23 August, 2023

All the inventions are the outcome of necessity felt in the past. The thing today was invented when people started to think about the necessity. In the stone age people felt hungry so they thought of eating by killing animals. They were not able to kill animals with bare hands so they invented bow and arrow which made it easier to hunt and get food. Then they started to think that hunting and eating might finish all the animals and they might die of hunger so they started to do farming and invented many tools which helped them in spring the seeds. Then slowly everyone started to think that animals may attack them in the night time when they are sleeping, so people invented houses so they are protected from the wild animals like tigers and lions.


People invented houses to be protected from wild animals. They made wooden houses and are unprotected from big animals like elephants and rhinos. Then they needed to build stronger houses so they could be protected and strong houses were invented. Then slowly scientists came and invented many things like electricity,through which we are able to do many works. They also invented a light bulb which makes our vision clear in the dark. The Wright brothers felt the necessity of a fast vehicle so they invented the aeroplane which is also known as the fastest means of transportation.


People were going far from their countries so they could get work. They were not able to communicate with their family members. They thought of the necessity of communicating with their family members so they invented a telephone so they could communicate easily. There was a problem with the telephone. It was very big and was unable to be carried from one place to another so people invented mobile phones which are very light and portable.


In conclusion, necessity is the mother of invention because shelter, fire, electricity and mobile phone and so on were invented when the feelings of necessity rose in the inquisitive minds.