
Student Corner

Teenage Depression

Written by: Suvani Karki - 29055, Grade VII

Posted on: 21 August, 2023

Depression is a common disorder that involves depressive mood and loss of enthusiasm in any activities for a long period of time. Nowadays it is quite common in the society. This is not good at all. It is really dangerous for the upcoming youth. And the saddest part of it is it is mostly found in teens. And it can be proved by the percentage of teen depression around the world.

To know more about teen depression we need to know more about the depression itself. According to the data of UNICEF the symptoms of depression are : low energy even when rested, changes in eating behavior or sleeping patterns, pains that have no obvious cause, loss of interest in friends, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and guilt, self harming and suicidal thoughts. 

These are some common symptoms of depression. But there are some causes of depression as well. Some of them are: Family history, bullying, childhood trauma, conflicts with friends and family, misuse of medications, life events, etc. These causes are lightly taken by our society. And the lack of understanding can lead teens to have depression, anxiety and many more mental disorders. But if we are able to spread awareness about these causes and its unpleasant results the problems can be reduced. 

As we can see the major causes of teen depression is related to our daily activities, it is hard to notice the changes and describe it to others. But sharing plays the most vital role in the solution of depression. Not only sharing, there are many more solutions for depression like: Spreading awareness, mental education, social support, psychological therapy, etc. These solutions quite seem normal but reaching a phase of solution for depression is hard itself. That is why ‘family support’ is a must for the solution of depression.  

This information should be flowable to every teenager out there because the rate of teen depression is skyrocketing day by day which is not good at all.
