
Student Corner

Our Hiking Trip

Written by: Muskan Singh - 22010, Grade VII

Posted on: 10 December, 2018

On September 16, 2018, we went on the trip. That day, we reached school at 9:00 am. We went to our classroom, packed our things. At 9:30 am we were on the ground. At 9:45 am we got on our bus and van. 11 students from our class were in the van and Mr. Kuldeep and Ms. Bipana were also with us in the van. At 9:55 the bus left from Sifal. We passed through many shops. We were singing in the way. Then at 10:45 we reached a mountaineering place. When we reached there the students who were on the bus had not arrived. After some time all of us reached our destination. We started walking from that place with two lines. I was with Ms. Roma, Neharika, Jiya, and Aarya. We were having fun. I captured many pictures of that place. We were walking on the road. By the side of the road, there was beautiful scenery. I captured the scene in my camera.


After a few minutes of walking, we saw a beautiful temple. It was small but it was so beautiful. I took the photo of the temple as well. Then, we went through the jungle. We saw that letters on the cloth were hung on trees. It was so beautiful. Later, we reached Kapan Gumba. It was our first destination. We had group photos there. Then we went through the bushes. There were many leeches but we all were lucky that we were not hurt by those leeches. Then we were walking through the hills. We could see many buildings from the hills. We took a rest in the hills. We were very excited to see Fulbari Gumba. On the way, we danced. It was so much fun. Our teachers also danced with us. After some time we reached Jagdol. By the time, we were very hungry. We rested in the park. There was a tap in the park. We washed our hands and had our lunch. After we had lunch, I was with the sisters of grade 6. We had lots of fun together. Ms. Roma and Ms. Bipana were excited to dance so they gave their lunch to us. We ate fried noodle. At 1:15 we left the park. Then we went through the jungle and spotted waterfalls. Oh God! That was so beautiful. After some time we reached Gokarna and then Fulbari Gumba. We made two lines and walked silently. While returning from the Gumba we took a shortcut. The road was stoney and my legs were hurting. Then, we pass through a village. The way was small so many people fell down in the mud. Ms. Roma was with us but Ms. Bipana and Mr. Nirmal were walking in front of us. After walking for one and a half hours, we finally reached the bus. We were so happy to see the bus and van so we got inside the van. On the way, I was looking at the pictures in my camera. My friend brought a tab so I was listening to songs through earphones. Finally, at 4:15  we reached school. Then we had snacks. Mr. Pukar asked me “How was your hiking?” I said that I had lots of fun. Actually, the person I missed a lot throughout hiking was Mr. Pukar.