
Student Corner

Are Aliens even real?

Written by: Bisu Maharjan - 28003, Grade VIII

Posted on: 08 August, 2023

Aliens have been a topic of debate for a long time. It is one of the most obvious yet hard-to-prove assumptions. In the same, I will be talking on the subject that aliens are real and they have yet to be explored. In this never-ending universe, the chances of life in each star, planet, and galaxy are more certain than it seems. We have seen most planets even light years away and have no potential life probability.


For this proposition, people think that they do not exist. Though we have no flashed records about them on the planets, they might be there where we have yet to search. Renowned astrophysicist, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, says “Aliens are not interested in humans and why would they even be a civilization of creatures able to travel at the speed of light knowing the universe and all there is to know to be interested in us?” This statement is particularly interesting and hard to debate over but there has still been a concern about aliens on Earth since the dawn of history we can see carving statements on the interaction with aliens. How they helped to form civilizations and even destroy them in some cases the record of aliens has been with us even at the start.


There are lists of visual assumptions and interactions we can find in the inscriptions of the civilizations that lived before us. One of them is in Rome the people supposedly saw an aerial war where hundreds of odd-shaped spacecraft fought over the skies. This is one of the examples that even at that time aliens had such vast equipment. In a recent congress meeting in the US Senate, three respected officers said that they had witnessed aliens almost every week.


They claimed that the government has been hiding this in front of the public and has vast information about them, even catching some kinds of creatures for tests. This brought a whole new perspective in the people's minds about the truth about aliens. Most of the alien sightings are also seen in the nuclear facilities of the US. Maybe the aliens also think supremacy of their kind if not the humans. Construction of big temples in south India to the Pyramids in Egypt says our planet has been assisted by aliens before. Do aliens exist? What do you think?