
Student Corner

Literacy Day

Written by: Grishma Gurung - 24005, Grade V

Posted on: 06 December, 2018

On the literacy day, I got to dress as an announcer. I was so excited because I was chosen for the profession I love. In the first period, Ms. Yukta took unit test. In the second period, Ms. Rukmani asked us to make Father’s day card. In the third period, we had our sports but we could not play because other classes were decorating. In the fourth period, we had Sanskrit period. I was not happy because I did not get a chance to recite a poem. Then, in the fifth, sixth and seventh period we were asked to decorate chart papers for the literacy day. After completing the work, we presented it to parents as well as teachers. I was so happy because our principal came to me to shake hands.