
Student Corner

A Little Carrot

Written by: Suyog Shrestha - 30051, Grade VI

Posted on: 02 August, 2023

Once upon a time, there was a farm in an old village, and there lived a man named Frosty. He was deeply connected to the environment, and he owned a carrot farm with an abundance of carrots. However, one day he bought a special carrot seed. Excitedly, he returned home and began researching this unique seed.
The research revealed that it required a large space to grow and would produce 20 more carrots, just like its offspring. Frosty quickly ran outside, grabbed his tools, and prepared a suitable area to plant the seed. With great care, he planted the seed and instructed his guard to take good care of the plant.
Nine months passed, and a small plant emerged. The guard rushed to Frosty and exclaimed that the plant had grown big. Frosty hurried over and found ten plants instead of one. He asked the guard which one was the plant he had originally planted, and the guard pointed to the largest one, which brought immense joy to Frosty.
Then, his best friend Rabon arrived and marvelled at the size of Frosty's farm. Frosty chuckled and replied, "Haha, if you have money, you can do anything. You see, I am the son of Elon Musk. We have the means to create or achieve anything, but there are still people who cannot even afford to eat or drink. We are wealthy enough to help others."
Rabon agreed, acknowledging Frosty's point. However, Rabon noticed a small plant nearby and pointed it out. Frosty explained that it was the twentieth plant, a rare specimen. He mentioned that during his research, he had read that it could be sold for five hundred thousand dollars. Excitedly, Frosty suggested selling it and using the money to help the poor people. They decided to give the little carrot a name.