
Student Corner

Change in Character

Written by: Prasiddha Shrestha - 28008, Grade VIII

Posted on: 21 July, 2023

Once there was a peaceful village surrounded by hills. The village wasn't that large. Roughly 100 people lived there. The village was usually very quiet and they maintained peace for a long time  until this one family arrived. James, with his mom and dad, decided to move to that village. The whole family were very aggressive and loud in nature, especially James. He was a very sensitive child. He would instantly realise his mistakes and try to correct them instantly but often he would fail.


The village had a community library. James would often visit the library and he would recklessly go through the books. The librarians often would not allow him to enter but sometimes he would get past them and manage to get inside the library. Sometimes he would try to borrow books from the library but the librarians did not trust him so he would often not get the comic books or horror books that he wanted. In a library there is a common rule that you should not disturb others but he would shout at others within the library. He would be constantly violating rules in the library as well .


This type of activity was considered normal for him by the villagers but he would be breaking rules not on the inside of the library but also outside in the community garden as well. The problem was not with him being mischievous because he was a child but his parents also did not teach him good behaviour around others. He was also old enough to learn how to behave in front of others but still did not realise anything. Due to this behaviour and his aggressive and loud nature he also didn't have any friends. He would often be roaming around the village bunking the school to pass the time.


After some time he started getting alot of scolding and beating of the villagers. Just due to his reckless behaviour the once peaceful and quiet village had turned very aggressive and loud. Soon he also realised the change in the behaviour of the villagers and slowly he started to realise his mistake and how he treated everyone so wrongly like they were nothing. From that day on he tried to change himself but still it was very hard to change his behaviour and the villagers were also used to a very reckless form of behaviour from him so they also had no expectations.


Realising his mistakes he started to take part in community service, activities and various programs. His efforts were clearly seen by the villagers who changed their perspective about him. He now starts to realise that his actions really had very bad consequences upon the behaviour and state of the village . Seeing that he started to realise his mistakes. He started to make lots of friends. Everyone wants to be friends with him. He started to spread positivity around everyone. That day he realised that actions have consequences. He realised that his mistakes have the greatest effects on others.

Moral : Actions has consequences