
Student Corner

Book review on E. lockhart’s ‘Genuine Fraud’

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VIII

Posted on: 17 May, 2023

Title: Genuine Fraud
Author: E.lockhart
Genre: Novel/Thriller/Fiction/Murder
POV (Point of View): Third person

Introduction: Genuine Fraud is an English mystery and suspense based novel written by the famous author known for her novel ‘We were Liars’ E.Lockhart. This novel and the novel’s storyline is pure fiction. The names, characters, storylines, activities and the incidents which happened in the novel are purely fiction and the creative imagination of the author E.Lockhart. The novel’s genre can be said to be mystery, murder, adventure, spies etc.

Plot: Imogen, a girl in her 20s, was in a hotel where she met a stranger. Though knowing it was not good and okay to introduce herself to strangers, she still introduced herself and told most of her life long story. However, at the hotel, she eventually finds out that the stranger she introduced was coming after her and could expose her, so she plans to escape out of the hotel with her friend who worked in the hotel she was staying in. That friend turned out to be a betrayer as well as he was working against her. But, Imogen is Jule and not Imogen. What happened was Imogen and Jule were best friends, however one day Imogen decided to take a huge step by jumping in the river which caused her death. Jule was obsessed with Imogen so, after hearing the news about her best friend's death, she was devastated. Until, she realized that she could be Imogen. Only some people she was close with knew who Jule was and who Imogen really was. She was living other people’s lives. Turns out that it wasn’t the first time she did that. During her student’s year, she was studying at a place with other people’s names. However, even though she is living as others, she still hasn’t gotten caught. Until now, she has a total of 4 person’s id, 4 passports, 4 accounts etc.

Critical Analysis: This book is very confusing yet understanding. There would be some parts of the novel that you would understand. But, the concept and the storyline of the other chapters are confusing if you haven't connected the dots properly. This novel is very mystery, murder based but it does focus on love. It shows that every single person has a soft spot somewhere in their heart but some people just don’t know how to express it. This novel’s storyline is very intriguing if we don’t read it properly.  The only thing I guess that makes the novel unique is the timeline of the story and the lineup of the chapters. The storyline will definitely not be what we have expected. Most of us probably would have thought of some “genuine fraud” done by a criminal or a random person. However, no the novel and our expectations are different from each other. We also might have thought that the title of this novel could have been something different. But, it really matches out with the storyline of the novel’s plot. It’s a different kind of novel I have read in my life and I do think that this novel could affect the way you read your novels/books . The plot twist in this novel was kind of a game changer as well and we readers will definitely not have been expecting that to happen at all.

Recommendation: This book was an intriguing book. I simply have to say it was okay. I’m not a person who would read this novel twice, but it was a good experience I got while reading this novel. Though I find this book “okay”, I would still recommend this novel to the people who like reading adventure, mystery, murder, fiction novels, though the genre obsession and love is mostly shown as well.  Even if you don't like mystery or murder,  I do think that this novel would be really engaging to read. This novel is unique and I believe that it can help us in our writing of articles and essays. There are also a lot of words we can learn from this novel.Thus, I would like to recommend this book to the people who like mystery, murder and suspense genre.
Rating: 3/5